La Posada Note Cards 8 pack
8 pack of Mimbreno Note Cards by Susan Kienholz
2 Black Rabbits
2 Red Quails
2 Red Turtles
2 Black Floppy Eared Deer
Mimbres Series Notecards
These animal designs were originally painted on pottery with yucca leaf brushes and paint made from minerals and Charcoal mixed with plant juices, over1,000 years ago. The pre-historic Mimbres people lived in the desert in Southwest New Mexico near the Mimbres River and in Eastern Arizona in the Mogollon region.
Mary Colter, the famoud architect who designed our historic La Posada Hotel in 1930 in Winslow AZ, also reporduced these whimsical animal designs on her Mimbrnos China that was used in the Fred Harvey Diners on the Santa Fe Railroad's Super Chief.